Our experience in using TESI tool in communication with children with autism – Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala Sf. Mina Craiova (MINA), Romania
S-MINA 13 Marius is a 5 years old kindergarten boy, with atypical autism. At the time of integration into the classroom, the child had difficulties in verbal communication. The child does not establish relationships with colleagues, is disturbed by loud noises. He presents difficulties in communication and fails to interact with the others, being hard for him to make himself understood by others, which creates a state of nervousness.
He was chosen in the target group because he showed interest in using the tablet and the phone, easily managing to handle the instructions, but using them as automatics. He has no parents and is taken care of by a social worker. The TESI application was used during the school hours, with the objective of improving communication by using visual clues.
Expressions have been uploaded and practiced that can be used daily especially in daily activities so that student learns in stages and thus can learn personal and social autonomy. Example of expressions that the students used in learning some actions: “Wash your hands!”, “Wash your teeth!”, “Do you want to eat? “, “Let’s repeat the days of the week”, “How we eat!”
Also, the maternal assistant used the TESI application at home, as well as the other teachers who interacted with the child, respectively the speech-language teacher and the physiotherapist. The experimental program to stimulate communication and the development of school acquisitions through the use of nonverbal languages aimed, on the one hand, at stimulating the behavior of initiating the communication, as well as the formation of basic skills needed in the didactic activities by using nonverbal communication systems as an alternative method.
By using the TESI application, the student explored and experienced new activities and situations, thus reinforcing the courage and confidence that he can overcome daily obstacles and difficulties and develop personal autonomy. Here are examples of expressions that led to the development of personal autonomy: “I want to dress!”, “I want to adjust my clothes!”, “I want to eat!” etc.