Posted on: March 8, 2020 Posted by: mirco Comments: 0


19 students (future teachers) from Jan Kochanowski university in Kielce worked using the TESI tool with 19 preschool and early school children, which corresponds to the specialization of students (future teachers). As part of their practice, other activities related to the field of study and institutions with which cooperation was initiated, students were required to work as part of the TESI tool pilot program with children who have problems in the communication process (with difficulties in reading, writing and verbal communication). The reasons for the dysfunction of the communication process in children with whom students (future teachers) worked as part of piloting the TESI tool are due to various reasons. The reasons for the dysfunction of the communication process in children with whom students (future teachers) worked as part of piloting the TESI tool are due to various reasons and include:
– delayed psychomotor development and speech development;
– holistic developmental disorders with atypical autism;
– selective mutism;
– autism;
– speech development delayed;
– speech impediment;
– speech retardation, risk of developmental dyslexia;
– speech retardation;
– psychomotor retardation and speech retardation;

Next the students (future teachers) worked using the TESI tool with 10 preschool and early school children under care of one of our team members in the intervention center and psychological and pedagogical counseling center. The results of work with TESI show that students (future teachers) confirmed the huge and positive potential of TESI to improve various elements that favour the social inclusion of children with special needs.

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